Docker Zero to Hero

Docker Zero to Hero

  1. Introduction to Docker and Containers

    • What are containers?
    • Why use Docker?
    • Docker vs. Virtual Machines
  2. Getting Started with Docker

    • Installing Docker
    • Running your first container
    • Basic Docker commands
  3. Creating Docker Images

    • Dockerfiles: Building custom images
    • Layers and caching
    • Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
  4. Working with Containers

    • Running multiple containers
    • Exposing ports
    • Networking between containers
  5. Managing Container Lifecycle

    • Starting, stopping, and restarting containers
    • Inspecting container logs
    • Debugging and troubleshooting
  6. Advanced Topics

    • Data persistence with volumes
    • Docker Compose for multi-container applications
    • Optimizing images for faster builds
  7. Hands-On Labs

    • Build a simple web app using Docker
    • Deploy a multi-container application with Docker Compose
    • Troubleshoot a misbehaving container


  • 0 Sections
  • 0 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration

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