Infrastructure as Code for Cloud Heros

Infrastructure as Code for Cloud Heros

  1. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

    • Understanding IaC principles
    • Benefits of managing infrastructure through code
    • Overview of CloudFormation and Terraform
  2. CloudFormation Basics

    • What is AWS CloudFormation?
    • Writing CloudFormation templates in YAML or JSON
    • Creating stacks and managing resources
    • Stack updates and rollbacks
  3. Terraform Fundamentals

    • Introduction to Terraform
    • Writing Terraform configuration files (.tf)
    • Initializing a Terraform project
    • Resource provisioning with Terraform
  4. Comparing CloudFormation and Terraform

    • Syntax differences
    • Resource types supported by each tool
    • State management and drift detection
  5. Advanced Topics

    • Using modules for reusability
    • Managing secrets and sensitive data
    • Integrating with version control (Git)
    • Best practices for IaC development
  6. Hands-On Labs

    • Deploy a simple web application using CloudFormation
    • Create an EC2 instance with Terraform
    • Set up a VPC and security groups using both tools
  7. Real-World Scenarios

    • Multi-environment deployments (dev, staging, production)
    • Blue-green deployments with IaC
    • Infrastructure testing and validation


  • 0 Sections
  • 0 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration

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